Friday, August 21, 2009

Matty's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Ok, so Matty's first day came and gone. He has finished up his first week of school and it seems to have gone pretty well. I am waiting for the school to post the Back to School Night date. I have been told they don't give the Kindergartners homework until the third week of school or so. Thank god!!!! I am not ready to have one more thing on my plate at night. Matty loves going to school as I thought he would. He loved preschool and loves to learn and be with other children. It was a breeze dropping him off at school for his first day. Of course Quentin wants to go to school now so we will be registering him for preschool in the near future. He needs to get potty trained. Pics to come.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
