Friday, August 21, 2009

Matty's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Ok, so Matty's first day came and gone. He has finished up his first week of school and it seems to have gone pretty well. I am waiting for the school to post the Back to School Night date. I have been told they don't give the Kindergartners homework until the third week of school or so. Thank god!!!! I am not ready to have one more thing on my plate at night. Matty loves going to school as I thought he would. He loved preschool and loves to learn and be with other children. It was a breeze dropping him off at school for his first day. Of course Quentin wants to go to school now so we will be registering him for preschool in the near future. He needs to get potty trained. Pics to come.

Friday, July 31, 2009

School is Coming!

So Matty starts school August 18th. I can't believe it is so soon. This is my first child in school and I am super excited for him. I am not sure if I will cry. At this point, I don't think I will. I am more excited than anything. I know he wants to go to school so bad so it makes it that much easier.

Anyways, I am taking the day off work to cook him his favorite breakfast and get him dressed up in his new school clothes. We don't yet know which class he is assigned to but I hope he ends up with his friend Sean. The school is hosting an ice cream social the night before class begins...cute, cutie, cute. Grandpa is coming to see him off to school as well. Grandpa and Matty are buddies. I will post an update and pics from the first day of school.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nature is Beautiful

To truly know me is to know I love nature. Here is a quote I found.
"The human spirit needs places where nature has not
been rearranged by the hand of man." ~Author Unknown
In the past, when I needed some perspective on life I would drive to the Monterey coast near Big Sur and sit on the cliff, or, perhaps, skip through a hiking trail in San Diego, or plan to leave for my visit home from SD at 4am so i could see the sunrise. Nothing made me more content and hopeful than being with nature. Life has become so busy since getting married and having children. New plan: incorporate nature outings for the entire family and, once in a while, just for me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catching Up

Ok, so I am totally late with this post but it is necessary to post. On June 15, 2004 my first baby boy, Matty, was born at Good Samaritan Hospital. It was the most exciting day. I was nearly 27 years old when he was born. Boy was it life changing. I remember my hospital stay clearly. I was an emotional wreck. Was it my hormones or my overwhelming feelings of love for this new life? I don't know but I haven't been the same since. He just celebrated his 5th birthday a month ago today and I am still overwhelmed with love for him. He is such a loving, sweet, curious, and smart boy. He starts kindergarten this fall and I am so proud of him. I love watching him grow and embark on new adventures and experiences. I wanted to share some of his birthday pictures below. He wanted to have another party at our house and invite all of his friends and cousins (well he still calls him his friends, ha ha). Side note, he actually told me his cousin, Alec, was his buddy because he has nice hair. lol Only kids would say something so honest and funny. Got to love it. Anyways enjoy.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Past Week

Ok, so I need to update my blog. The last week has been good. The 4th of July weekend was fun. BBQ'd with my sister and brother and their families on Friday, hung out with my husband's family on Saturday and had family day on Sunday. Family day was awesome. We built forts, played memory, and took the kids to the new park for a picnic and some play time (baseball included). I felt like I was able to get in some good quality one-on-one time with each of my kiddos. The week has been pretty normal but we are having an issue with Q (middle child). He thinks playing with his poo is fun so he digs it out of his diaper here and there. We have decided to implement a new strategy to kick this problem in the butt. ha ha that was appropriate. I researched and many parents say putting your child in a cold shower right after it happens works. It can't hurt to try.

Needless to say he did it again last night so I was happy to use my new technique. Somehow it got all messed up in the process. On my way to pick him up and take him to the cold shower, he tried to get away and fell on to his toy bucket (where he put his poo). He cut his eye pretty good. I didn't notice right away so I started my journey up the stairs to the shower, stripped him down and put him in it. My husband says, "What are you doing? His eye is bleeding." I, naturally feel bad, how can i go through with my punishment when he is hurt. Ok, so we will implement this new strategy tomorrow. ha ha. I ended up telling him to look at himself and that the poo kicked his booty. I think he may be affraid of it now. lol We will see.

Park pics to come.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Sometimes don't you feel this way??