Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catching Up

Ok, so I am totally late with this post but it is necessary to post. On June 15, 2004 my first baby boy, Matty, was born at Good Samaritan Hospital. It was the most exciting day. I was nearly 27 years old when he was born. Boy was it life changing. I remember my hospital stay clearly. I was an emotional wreck. Was it my hormones or my overwhelming feelings of love for this new life? I don't know but I haven't been the same since. He just celebrated his 5th birthday a month ago today and I am still overwhelmed with love for him. He is such a loving, sweet, curious, and smart boy. He starts kindergarten this fall and I am so proud of him. I love watching him grow and embark on new adventures and experiences. I wanted to share some of his birthday pictures below. He wanted to have another party at our house and invite all of his friends and cousins (well he still calls him his friends, ha ha). Side note, he actually told me his cousin, Alec, was his buddy because he has nice hair. lol Only kids would say something so honest and funny. Got to love it. Anyways enjoy.

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