Thursday, July 2, 2009

Me and My Husband

Matt and I have known each other for about 15 years now. We were friends for a long period of time before we got together. I met him when I was a junior in high school through friends. We hit it off as friends and talked on the phone a lot. We had some mutual friends and therefore hung out. I moved away to San Diego to go to college. I was gone about 4 years and Matt and I didn't talk as much while I was gone. Once I returned I immediately called him to let him know I had moved back to San Jose. I remember leaving him a message and, within 20 minutes, he was calling me back. I think he secretly wanted to call me back instantly but had to play it cool. ha ha. Anyways, we dated and the rest is history.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog!
    Its really cute.
    Your very pretty!
    If you can you should write me back.
    We have to do this for blogging class and i really like your blog!
