Thursday, July 2, 2009


I am new to the blogging thing. I like the concept but I am not sure how often I will post. With Facebook, Flickr, email, can be overwhelming to update in so many places. I have posted some pics of my family. My husband, Matt, and I have been married for nearly 5 1/2 years already and have three beautiful sons, Matty (5), Quentin (2 yr. 9mo.), and Braylen (nearly 9 mo.). It can be tough at times but we have a lot fun together.
Quentin and his big brown eyes. We call him daddy's little clone
Quentin at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Quentin and his candy again
Quentin with two of his best friends ~ Dino and Saury

Braylen and Matty - Brotherly love

Braylen showing us his new skill

Every Belardes boy will boast a SF Giants hat.

Braylen and his beautiful blue eyes

Matty (right) and his friend, Adrian.

Matty - mommy's stud

Matty playing in the water at his cousin's birthday party

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